Archive for the “Triad News” Category

It’s that time of year again, get your FREE Dozen! Per their post it says you don’t even have to print the coupon, just show it to them on your phone.


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Here’s a big news item, ok not really. Recent testing of wireless services in major US cities has Winston-Salem at the bottom of the list. Anyone who has travelled outside of Winston-Salem and especially to other major cities outside of North Carolina will quickly attest to this fact. I myself was recently in an area dominated by major technology players and I found my Verizon access was screaming along. When I got back to the Winston-Salem area I called Verizon to complain about how fast that area was yet how slow the local area is and was finally told that in fact Winston-Salem isn’t really 4G but 3G Enhanced, whatever that means. It clearly means it’s not a full 4G rollout which as I said was so obvious when I was in a true 4G area.


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Sounds like fuel cost and low expected sales cost Greensboro and Beer Snobs the chance at a 60 million dollar brewery and brew pub as Stone Brewing will not be coming to Greensboro.

“anticipated fuel costs automatically locked North and South Carolina out of contention,”

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It’s HERO Appreciation Day at Krispy Kreme on April 28th so with the purchase of a dozen doughnuts you get a FREE Dozen Glazed.


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Day of the dozen is what they call it. Today only with this coupon you can buy any dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and get a FREE dozen of glazed.


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I cannot even believe this story but it appears the Planning Board is about to approve a new Walmart Grocery Store on Country Club near the intersection of Country Club and Meadowlark. Anyone with half a brain knows that Country Club cannot support any more traffic than it already has especially during peak travel times. With the numerous wreaks on 421 between Peace Haven and Lewisville-Clemmons Road Country Club becomes the backup for many of those living in the Lewisville area. On top of this you have a blind curve, a hill which has an abundance of accidents on it during bad weather and an Elementary School less than half a mile away.

What fool thinks it’s a good idea to increase traffic density by building another grocery store in an area that has three grocery stores within two miles and four more in under three miles?!

Apparently the Planning Board Staff does so if you want to voice your opinions I suggest you make sure they are heard quickly.


Journal article on rezoning .

Planning Board Staff and Numbers.

Gary Roberts, Project Planner, Winston-Salem Planning Board [email protected]

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In what could only be presented as a “I told you so” Winston-Salem approved a 3.9 cent per $100 property value rate increase. The city also decided to provide for pay raises for city employees up to 3%, this for employees that make in the $35,000 range for answering phones. And don’t think you are going to get away from paying these tax increases as they also increased the tax on your cemetery plot!

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In what could only be presented as a “I told you so” Winston-Salem approved a 3.9 cent per $100 property value rate increase. The city also decided to provide for pay raises for city employees up to 3%, this for employees that make in the $35,000 range for answering phones. And don’t think you are going to get away from paying these tax increases as they also increased the tax on your cemetery plot!

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