Here We Go Again, City Approves Incentives For Herbalife
Posted by Freedom 101 in Business News, tags: HerbalifeListening to a broken record? Just maybe as Winston-Salem has approved $2.25 million in incentives to Herbalife is they decide to move into the old Dell plant. The County and State are looking at adding at least another $10 million to that pot. I guess there is some logic to paying another company to come move into a building vacated by the last major business you paid to move here considering that last one, Dell, did not ever meet it’s hiring projections and closed within no time as the PC market was already dying long before the plant even opened up.
I will give Herbalife credit that as a business it has remained stable for a pretty long time but do we really need to pay businesses to open businesses? If we do isn’t there some major flaw in the environment you have have created to begin with and maybe that should be addressed?