The State of the Union address by President Obama fell well short of informing Congress and the electorate of the true nature of that condition. In delivering this address the President seems to have felt that verbal fellatio was the best way to get through this obligation without actually having to tell the truth as he heads out onto the campaign trail to try to trick the moronic electorate to return him to office for another four years. Read the rest of this entry �
Archive for January, 2011
![]() ![]() Being Secure While Using Location Based ServicesPosted by JamesB in Technology, tags: securityFriday is Data Privacy Day, don’t ask me who made it so I just know it is. Anyway as such Microsoft has put up a nice PDF on using location based services safely and being aware of how these services work. If your not up on this new trend you may be using Location Based Services without even knowing it. If your using one of these nice new smartphones with built-in GPS are you aware your images may be tagged with the GPS location of the photo. Imagine those pictures of your kids playing in the backyard and you posted those images to Flickr or other sites and in doing so you just posted your home’s location down to the foot. Even with Geo Tagging (the tagging of GPS data to an image) turned off your phone still places a ton of information in the photo such as the phone model, date, time and more, all of which could pass more information than you thought. Of course other services such as FourSquare are all about posting your current location to the web, I hope I don’t have to say how dangerous this could be. The objective was to allow for meet-ups with your friends or like minded folks that might be in your general area which in the early days worked pretty well but now with millions using the service can you see the downside? I will give you an example of a post I saw a few weeks back:
I think it’s pretty obvious just how stupid that post was especially since her profile also includes a picture. Unfortunately many people are just to trusting and just don’t give a post like that second thoughts until it’s to late. So anyway check out the attached PDF put together by Microsoft on this subject. Technorati Tags: Security
Location Services and Privacy Location Privacy After two years of investigations it looks like maybe we will see some action in Edward’s wacky campaign finances. According to the report in the New York Post the Federal Grand jury meet last week to once again go over the web of groups associated with Edwards Presidential bid as well as who knew what and when concerning Rielle Hunter and the child Edwards fathered. What’s really sad to see if how these groups appear to be evading campaign finance laws and if one politician and group is doing it you have to assume the others are as well. Basically per the report the 527 setup to raise money for Edwards also setup an LLC in which they just funneled the money from a 527 which has to report it’s spending to an LLC which doesn’t. For the full story read the NY Post article. |