BB&T Says It Will Appeal Judges Order To Rehire Whistleblower
Posted by JamesB in Business News, tags: BB&T, winston-salemIn a case of Wrongful Discharge and Defamation that dates back to 2007 Judge Jeffrey Tureck has ordered BB&T to rehire Amy Stroupe. BB&T has said they disagree with the Judge’s findings and have said they will appeal.
In 2005 Amy Stroupe was hired by BB&T after recruiter her from the Cleveland Couty Sheriffs Department to work as an corporate Fraud Investigator. Shortly after her employment at BB&T she investigated strange loan approvals for a land development company in Mitchell County, Peerless Development Group. It appears certain people involved with the land company as well as the single loan officer who was approving the loans were not following proper procedures so Stroupe’s investigation grew to the point she involved multiple managers at BB&T, county attorneys, tax offices and even the FBI. In 2007 after the loan officer who approved the various Peerless loans was first removed from his position of approving loans and later released Stroupe was first transferred then fired. The legal filings say the actions taken against Stroupe were vindictive for her pursuing one of BB&T’s best loan generators as well as informing outside parties of BB&T’s possible improper actions during the whole process. One should note that five people involved in the Village of Penland development have pleaded guilty to Federal charges.
This week Judge Tureck agreed and order Stroupe rehired and given her back pay with interest. BB&T Spokesman Cynthia Williams said, “"BB&T adamantly denies doing anything wrong and will be filing an appeal in this matter”.
If the charges are valid as the Judge has agreed they are it would appear BB&T had no interest disclosing to anyone outside of BB&T of it’s links to North Carolina’s largest fraud scheme ever.