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HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan announced Thursday that cash from the Recovery Act will be distributed to more than 500 cities, counties and communities. The money will be used for rent relief, housing relocation and stabilization services, data collection and administrative costs.

“This program serves as a bridge to long-term stability for those who, without assistance, would be homeless,” Donovan said on a conference call with reporters.

The money is being distributed under a homelessness prevention program in the stimulus legislation that is designed to help millions of jobless Americans. Donovan said hundreds of different projects would be financed with the money announced on Thursday.

Donovan said the money is would address two issues: preventing homelessness and rapidly finding places to live for those who are currently homeless. He said about 52 percent of the money will pay for prevention efforts.

Now unless my math is wrong the list below shows roughly 6.9 million will be dispersed to the cities listed leaving two thirds of the $22 million in Raleigh’s hands, so long some $15 million.

North Carolina State Program: $22,157,468

Asheville: $509,460

Charlotte: $1,930,217

Durham: $789,101

Fayetteville: $589,648

Greensboro: $781,141

Raleigh: $991,091

Wake County: $582,164

Winston-Salem: $748,097

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