August 22, 2009 |
7:00 pm | to | 9:30 pm |
My Funny Valentine*
James A. Gray Auditorium
Old Salem Visitors Center
Saturday, August 22, 2009
7:00 and 9:30 PM
(Separate admission for each set)
Acclaimed vocalist Martha Bassett joins musicians Matt Kendrick, Federico Pivetta, John Wilson, Wally West, Ken Wilmot, and Jacqui Carrasco for two sets of classic songs from the Rodgers & Hart Songbook including “The Lady is a Tramp”, “Manhattan”, “My Funny Valentine”, “This Can’t Be Love”, and “Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered.”
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Posted by JamesB in Events
August 19, 2009 |
6:30 pm | to | 8:30 pm |
Festival Preview at the Zevely House
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Zevely House
Enjoy a preview of jazz and tango music from Festival concerts as part of a gourmet dinner package at the historic Zevely House Restaurant. Make your reservations early!
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By Bob Willis
July 31 (Bloomberg) — The first 12 months of the U.S. recession saw the economy shrink more than twice as much as previously estimated, reflecting even bigger declines in consumer spending and housing, revised figures showed.
The world’s largest economy contracted 1.9 percent from the fourth quarter of 2007 to the last three months of 2008, compared with the 0.8 percent drop previously on the books, the Commerce Department said today in Washington. Read the rest of this entry �
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The U.S. Treasury sold $39 billion in five-year debt Wednesday in an auction that drew poor demand, raising worries over the cost of financing the government’s burgeoning budget deficit.
It was the second lackluster showing in as many days, convincing analysts that the stellar results of debt auctions just a few weeks ago were a fluke and that Thursday’s $28 billion seven-year offering could suffer a similar fate. Read the rest of this entry �
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Sorry I’m a bit late on this one as I had heard about the pending divorce but not seen any direct information on the subject. It appears though that back in June Judge Reingold closed a divorce hearing between Andrew Filipowski and Veronica Filipowski on a request by Andrew Filipowski citing “trade secrets”.
If your wondering why this is news Andrew Filipowski of Silk Road Technologies is partners with Billy Prim in the development of the new Baseball Stadium which it appears the city will now pay for in full, own and lease back to the Dash owners. The divorce itself has been said is to blame for Andrew Filipowski’s pullout of the partnership to build the stadium which has put the city tax payers on the hook for a $42 million dollar stadium. Read the rest of this entry �
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By Matthew Brown and Yasuhiko Seki
July 28 (Bloomberg) — The dollar fell to the lowest level this year against the currencies of six major U.S. trading partners as speculation the global economy is emerging from the recession reduced demand for a refuge.
The Australian dollar advanced to the highest level since September against the U.S. currency after the Reserve Bank said the economy may rebound faster than forecast six months ago. The euro climbed to a seven-week high against the dollar after Deutsche Bank AG said second-quarter profit rose 68 percent, beating analysts’ estimates. Read the rest of this entry �
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By Lance Fairchok
Enabling tyrants is never wise, and whether political or religious, a despot cares nothing for “social justice” except as a rhetorical tool. The success of their “revolutionary struggle” is paramount. The downtrodden and disadvantaged swayed by their populism seldom prosper for long, because in the end it is about power and conquest and control. President Obama has yet to realize that in the real world, the diplomacy of jackals seldom goes well for the sheep. Read the rest of this entry �
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By Bruce Walker
As I noted four weeks ago, Scott Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll has shown a very steady increase in the number of Americans who have a “very unfavorable” view of Obama’s presidency and a corresponding, though less dramatic, decline in the number of Americans who have a “very favorable” view of his presidency. As of July 27, the negative gap between these two groups of highly motivated voters was ten percentage points. Polls which focus only on softer “favorable” and unfavorable” opinion still appear to keep the Obama Presidency in safe political water, but that is misleading for several reasons. Read the rest of this entry �
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