Sync Outlook Contacts And FaceBook Friends Pictures
Posted by JamesB in Business News, Technology, tags: facebook, OutlookFor those Facebook addicted folks or even a good salesman this may be the tool for you:
“OutSync is a free Windows application that syncs photos of your Facebook friends with matching contacts in Microsoft Outlook. It allows you to select which contacts are updated. So you can update all contacts at once or just a few at a time.
The main benefit of OutSync is for Windows Mobile users. Updated contacts are automatically synced with Windows Mobile devices by Exchange server or ActiveSync. Thus new and fun photos appear during calls and other places where contacts are used.”
The ability to sync contact photos with a mobile phone could prove especially useful for those attending large meetings, trade shows and such. How many times have you seen somebody across the room and knew you knew them but could not remember their name or how you knew them? Quickly pull out your phone and scroll through your sales leads contact list and bang there they are and you now have all the info you need for going up and starting that initial conversation without fishing around for what it is they do and where they work.