Winston-Salem, Business, News, Events, Greensboro, Technology, IT Services

You may or may not notice but we did a pretty major update and retooled several items that were no longer working correctly. Unfortunately part of the reason for the update was to try and correct problems with Internet Explorer 6 which started showing up after recent Windows Updates however it appears whatever Microsoft did has broken IE6 and the BITS website. As you can see by the tag at the upper left this site will only format correctly with IE7 or Firefox.

If you find a problem in the site please let us know and we will continue trying to get IE6 working again.

Make sure to check out the new online radio player to the lower right and how you can launch it in a seperate mini player which keeps running even if you browse away from out site. Right now we are playing the 80’s and can change that based on user feedback so comment on what you would like to hear!

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