Archive for March, 2008

The promise of a low cost or free wireless access system for the city of Winston-Salem began roughly ten years ago with WinstonNet taking the lead in 2001. Winston-Salem was not the first to go down the road of wireless Internet Access for the masses and cities such as Portland, OR and Philadelphia, PA have rolled out projects much larger in scope and hope than WinstonNet however those hopes may be nothing more than a pipe dream at this point. Recently major backers of these large municipal projects such as Earthlink have backed out leaving the various cities literally talking to themselves over what to do. In fact a recent Philadelphia City Council Hearing on the status of the Earthlink contract with the city Earthlink didn’t even bother to show up.

Just about all the major cities with wireless plans have either tabled, stalled or given up on proceeding. Cities such as Chicago, Houston, Miami and San Francisco all had agreements with Earthlink and now have no idea if their projects will ever be developed. If these guys with the backing of an Internet Service Provider who of course was looking at making a profit fail what chance does Winston-Salem have of deploying the free or low cost wireless Internet service without the use of tax dollars? Read the rest of this entry �

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The state has awarded the contract to widen Lewisville-Clemmons Road from Forest Oaks Drive to Peace Haven and work may start as early as the end of the month. Power lines and utilities have been preparing for the widening for some months. The project will last at least a year surely making travel from HWY 421 to I-40 a total mess especially in the morning rush as traffic already backs up for a mile trying to get onto I-40 from Lewisville-Clemmons Rd.

Lewisville Clemmons Rd

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[ June 25, 2008 to June 26, 2008. ] ITEC is dedicated to educating executives and business technology decision makers

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