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Folks in and around Winston-Salem may have noticed something strange in the sky the past few days and I’ll admit I actually called somebody that was much closer to the object in the sky when I first saw it.

CavemanAbout an hour later I got a pretty good view of what it was and now I’m even more confused than I was before I figured out what it was I was seeing.

Now not that a plane flying a banner is something new, you see them at the beach all the time, but a plane flying a GEICO Caveman banner over Winston-Salem? First we have Washington, DC saying staffers need diphtheria shots before going to a NASCAR Race in Concord and now GEICO marketing their Caveman to Carolinians? Is GEICO trying to say something about Winston-Salem? (By The Way diphtheria has more or less been wiped out in developed countries with only 5 cases in the US since 2000.)

What actually got me was an insurance company flying a banner up and down a major Interstate, I-40, which was an obvious move to catch the eye of drivers on the road, you know those same drivers that are suppose to be ‘watching the road’!

So the next time you look up and see something in sky don’t worry it’s just a Caveman.

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